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kapitola v odborné knize (C)
Domácí pracoviště:
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (45130)
Executive function and pragmatic language in children and adolescents
Kytnarová, L. Executive function and pragmatic language in children and adolescents.
Benešová, T., Rošíková, T., Appeltauer, J. Nilius, P., Kytnarová, L., Škobrtal, P., De Nys, G., Sasanguie, D.,Jopek-Bizoń M., Kochanowska E., Mika D., Wojciechowska J., Zawada E., Jóelsdóttir, S.S.E., Einarsdóttir, Ó.R., Harðardóttir, K..
Remember to remember: The international experience of prospective memory training (between theory and practice).
1. vyd. Ostrava: VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2024. s. 59-74. 1. ISBN 978-80-248-4781-8.
Rok vydání:
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Název knihy v originálním jazyce:
Remember to remember: The international experience of prospective memory training (between theory and practice)
Název edice a číslo svazku:
Místo vydání:
Název nakladatele:
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Označení vydání
(číslo vydání):
v ČR
Autor zdrojového dokumentu:
Benešová, T., Rošíková, T., Appeltauer, J. Nilius, P., Kytnarová, L., Škobrtal, P., De Nys, G., Sasanguie, D.,Jopek-Bizoń M., Kochanowska E., Mika D., Wojciechowska J., Zawada E., Jóelsdóttir, S.S.E., Einarsdóttir, Ó.R., Harðardóttir, K.
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Klíčová slova anglicky:
communication, pragmatics, executive functions
Popis v původním jazyce:
One of the key aspects of quality of life is communication, as communication activities enable peopleto maintain successful social relationships and achieve life goals. When two people communicate, theyact on the basis of a stereotypical pattern of social knowledge shared between the participants in thedialogue. In order to understand the communicative intentions of a partner, one needs to recognizethe stereotypical pattern of knowledge shared with a conversation partner. The pragmatic system oflanguage is a part of a whole language system and is considered a tool that children and adults use tolearn about the social world. The pragmatic system is also essential in developing and maintaining socialrelationships whilst engaging in culturally significant activities. The pragmatics of language then linksto the expression of thoughts, ideas, wishes, and opinions in a social interaction. The location, meansof communication and communication partner are also relevant factors. Current research indicatesthat executive functions and Theory of Mind play a significant role in the pragmatics of a language. Theaim of this chapter is to understand the construct of pragmatics, to describe the relationship betweenexecutive functions and pragmatics of a language in the context of associated disorders. Impairmentsin executive functions and Theory of Mind cause many life-long complications not inly in the context ofeducation, but also in terms of professional development.
Popis v anglickém jazyce:
One of the key aspects of quality of life is communication, as communication activities enable peopleto maintain successful social relationships and achieve life goals. When two people communicate, theyact on the basis of a stereotypical pattern of social knowledge shared between the participants in thedialogue. In order to understand the communicative intentions of a partner, one needs to recognizethe stereotypical pattern of knowledge shared with a conversation partner. The pragmatic system oflanguage is a part of a whole language system and is considered a tool that children and adults use tolearn about the social world. The pragmatic system is also essential in developing and maintaining socialrelationships whilst engaging in culturally significant activities. The pragmatics of language then linksto the expression of thoughts, ideas, wishes, and opinions in a social interaction. The location, meansof communication and communication partner are also relevant factors. Current research indicatesthat executive functions and Theory of Mind play a significant role in the pragmatics of a language. Theaim of this chapter is to understand the construct of pragmatics, to describe the relationship betweenexecutive functions and pragmatics of a language in the context of associated disorders. Impairmentsin executive functions and Theory of Mind cause many life-long complications not inly in the context ofeducation, but also in terms of professional development.
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