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Katedra informačních a komunikačních technologií (45080)
Teacher Wellbeing and Resilience in Czech Education
Kočková, P., Hurný, T. a Kiliánová, K. Teacher Wellbeing and Resilience in Czech Education.
17th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: ICERI2024 Proceedings 2024-11-11 Seville.
Seville: IATED, 2024. s. 9467-9471. ISBN 978-84-09-63010-3.
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Elektronická verze
Název sborníku:
ICERI2024 Proceedings
Název nakladatele:
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Stát vydání:
Sborník vydaný v zahraničí
Název konference:
17th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Místo konání konference:
Datum zahájení konference:
Typ akce podle státní
příslušnosti účastníků akce:
Evropská akce
Kód UT WoS:
Klíčová slova anglicky:
Teacher, wellbeing, resilience, education.
Popis v původním jazyce:
Teaching is undoubtedly one of the most challenging professions, necessitating a high level of mental and physical resilience. Teachers are confronted with an ever-increasing array of demands and challenges that impact not only their professional lives but also their personal well-being. In the context of the current turbulence in the Czech education system, we discuss the closure of schools during the pandemic, the implications of this for the education sector, the introduction of inclusion in education and the integration of digital skills into the curriculum. The aforementioned circumstances place heightened demands on the psychological resilience of primary and secondary school teachers, who may be at elevated risk of burnout as a consequence. It is therefore crucial that individuals considering a career in this field are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, have a realistic understanding of the demands of the role, and are motivated. It is therefore recommended that they develop their capacity to cope with stress, adapt more effectively to change, and regulate their emotions. A pivotal concept is the concept of "career anchors," as described by E. H. Schein in the 1980s. Career anchors, which encompass an individual's abilities, motivation, and qualifications, play a pivotal role in career development and can undergo significant shifts over the course of a career. These anchors have a profound impact on career satisfaction and engagement.An essential element in the management of occupational stress is resilience, which can be defined as the capacity to cope with and recover from stressors. This concept is closely linked to mental well-being, which can be understood as a state of flourishing and positive affect. Mental well-being is a crucial element in the functioning of modern education, and it has the potential to positively influence the overall atmosphere in a school, thereby making it a place of support not only for teachers but also for pupils.This pilot study explores key aspects of teachers' wellbeing and resilience, with a particular focus on the interconnectedness of different areas of primary and secondary teachers' professional lives. It employs two standardized questionnaires: "Work Anchors," by E. H. Schein, and psychological well-being scales developed by Carol Ryff. The results of this study will provide new insights that could be used to develop a system of support for teachers, which is key to creating a supportive and positive school environment.
Popis v anglickém jazyce:
Teaching is undoubtedly one of the most challenging professions, necessitating a high level of mental and physical resilience. Teachers are confronted with an ever-increasing array of demands and challenges that impact not only their professional lives but also their personal well-being. In the context of the current turbulence in the Czech education system, we discuss the closure of schools during the pandemic, the implications of this for the education sector, the introduction of inclusion in education and the integration of digital skills into the curriculum. The aforementioned circumstances place heightened demands on the psychological resilience of primary and secondary school teachers, who may be at elevated risk of burnout as a consequence. It is therefore crucial that individuals considering a career in this field are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, have a realistic understanding of the demands of the role, and are motivated. It is therefore recommended that they develop their capacity to cope with stress, adapt more effectively to change, and regulate their emotions. A pivotal concept is the concept of "career anchors," as described by E. H. Schein in the 1980s. Career anchors, which encompass an individual's abilities, motivation, and qualifications, play a pivotal role in career development and can undergo significant shifts over the course of a career. These anchors have a profound impact on career satisfaction and engagement.An essential element in the management of occupational stress is resilience, which can be defined as the capacity to cope with and recover from stressors. This concept is closely linked to mental well-being, which can be understood as a state of flourishing and positive affect. Mental well-being is a crucial element in the functioning of modern education, and it has the potential to positively influence the overall atmosphere in a school, thereby making it a place of support not only for teachers but also for pupils.This pilot study explores key aspects of teachers' wellbeing and resilience, with a particular focus on the interconnectedness of different areas of primary and secondary teachers' professional lives. It employs two standardized questionnaires: "Work Anchors," by E. H. Schein, and psychological well-being scales developed by Carol Ryff. The results of this study will provide new insights that could be used to develop a system of support for teachers, which is key to creating a supportive and positive school environment.
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