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stať ve sborníku (D)
Domácí pracoviště:
Ústav pro výzkum a aplikace fuzzy modelování (94410)
Division of Interactive Fuzzy Numbers Using Joint Possibility Distributions
Alijani, Z. a Števuliáková, P. Division of Interactive Fuzzy Numbers Using Joint Possibility Distributions.
IPMU 2024: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 2024-07-22 Lisabon, Portugal.
Springer Cham, 2024.
Rok vydání:
Obecná matematika
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Forma vydání:
Elektronická verze
Název sborníku:
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
Název nakladatele:
Springer Cham
Místo vydání:
Stát vydání:
Sborník vydaný v zahraničí
Název konference:
IPMU 2024
Místo konání konference:
Lisabon, Portugal
Datum zahájení konference:
Typ akce podle státní
příslušnosti účastníků akce:
Celosvětová akce
Kód UT WoS:
Klíčová slova anglicky:
interactive Fuzzy Numbers, Generalized Hukuhara Division, J-division, Completely Correlated Fuzzy Numbers
Popis v původním jazyce:
In this article, we introduce a method to calculate the division of two interactive fuzzy numbers. Specifically, we focus on arithmetic operations derived from completely correlated fuzzy numbers. Our study demonstrates that the proposed division yields fuzzy numbers with smaller widths compared to any other division method for fuzzy numbers, as determined by joint possibility distributions. Additionally, we characterize these operations using α-cuts, providing insights into their behavior across different levels of confidence. Furthermore, we establish connections between our proposed division method and existing techniques, such as generalized Hukuhara division and division based on Zadeh’s extension principle. Finally, we provide illustrative examples to showcase the practical implications of our proposed method.
Popis v anglickém jazyce:
In this article, we introduce a method to calculate the division of two interactive fuzzy numbers. Specifically, we focus on arithmetic operations derived from completely correlated fuzzy numbers. Our study demonstrates that the proposed division yields fuzzy numbers with smaller widths compared to any other division method for fuzzy numbers, as determined by joint possibility distributions. Additionally, we characterize these operations using α-cuts, providing insights into their behavior across different levels of confidence. Furthermore, we establish connections between our proposed division method and existing techniques, such as generalized Hukuhara division and division based on Zadeh’s extension principle. Finally, we provide illustrative examples to showcase the practical implications of our proposed method.
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