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stať ve sborníku (D)
Domácí pracoviště:
Katedra informačních a komunikačních technologií (45080)
Rozvoj kľučových kompetencií detí predškolského veku prostredníctvom interaktívnej tabule a robotických hračiek
Gašparová, E. Rozvoj kľučových kompetencií detí predškolského veku prostredníctvom interaktívnej tabule a robotických hračiek.
XXXIII. DidMatTech 2020 Conference: Proceedings of XXXIII. DidMatTech 2020 Conference New Methods and Technologies in Education, Research and Practice 2020-06-25 Budapest, Hungary.
Budapest, Hungary: Eӧtvӧs Loránd University in Budapest, 2020. s. 301-311. ISBN 978-963-489-244-1.
Rok vydání:
Pedagogika a školství
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Forma vydání:
Elektronická verze
Název sborníku:
Proceedings of XXXIII. DidMatTech 2020 Conference New Methods and Technologies in Education, Research and Practice
Název nakladatele:
E?tv?s Loránd University in Budapest
Místo vydání:
Budapest, Hungary
Stát vydání:
Sborník vydaný v zahraničí
Název konference:
XXXIII. DidMatTech 2020 Conference
Místo konání konference:
Budapest, Hungary
Datum zahájení konference:
Typ akce podle státní
příslušnosti účastníků akce:
Evropská akce
Kód UT WoS:
Klíčová slova anglicky:
Qualitative research, Pre-primary education, Teaching process, Kindergarte teacher, Preschool child, Interactive whiteboard, Robotic toys
Popis v původním jazyce:
Children use digital technologies from an early age; for a child, they are a source of knowledge, communication, expression, and development of their logical thinking. Kindergarten children are Generation Z, whose thinking is shaped from an early age by the use of technology in such a way that they do not perceive its presence at all and their thought processes are influenced to such extent that they are naturally able to immediately identify the most suitable way to deploy technology to solve any problem. The latest phenomenon that children are interested in is robot toys that they encounter also in their home environment. Therefore, we deemed it appropriate to combine the interactive whiteboard and robot toys in a socio-cognitive teaching model. In the paper, we inform of the possibilities to combine the interactive whiteboard and robot toys to achieve educational goals in preprimary education. We present a pilot qualitative research in pre-primary education settings concerning the use of digital technologies. We highlight the need to change the thinking of kindergarten teachers when creating new contexts in educational activities, with emphasis on the use of the interactive whiteboard and robot toys. We conducted the pilot qualitative research at a state kindergarten in Bratislava. Our research subjects were preschool children and kindergarten teachers. The research tool used was a focus group.”
Popis v anglickém jazyce:
Children use digital technologies from an early age; for a child, they are a source of knowledge, communication, expression, and development of their logical thinking. Kindergarten children are Generation Z, whose thinking is shaped from an early age by the use of technology in such a way that they do not perceive its presence at all and their thought processes are influenced to such extent that they are naturally able to immediately identify the most suitable way to deploy technology to solve any problem. The latest phenomenon that children are interested in is robot toys that they encounter also in their home environment. Therefore, we deemed it appropriate to combine the interactive whiteboard and robot toys in a socio-cognitive teaching model. In the paper, we inform of the possibilities to combine the interactive whiteboard and robot toys to achieve educational goals in preprimary education. We present a pilot qualitative research in pre-primary education settings concerning the use of digital technologies. We highlight the need to change the thinking of kindergarten teachers when creating new contexts in educational activities, with emphasis on the use of the interactive whiteboard and robot toys. We conducted the pilot qualitative research at a state kindergarten in Bratislava. Our research subjects were preschool children and kindergarten teachers. The research tool used was a focus group.”
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