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Domácí pracoviště:
Katedra pedagogiky a andragogiky (45120)
University student's procedures applied when learning from study resources
Černíková, M., Sikorová, Z. a Vašutová, T. University student's procedures applied when learning from study resources.
VIAC2022 - Virtual International Academic Conference: Proceedings of VIAC2022 2022-11-11 Budapešť.
Praha: Czech Institute of Academic Education, 2022. s. 82-92. ISBN 978-80-88203-29-2.
Rok vydání:
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Forma vydání:
Elektronická verze
Název sborníku:
Proceedings of VIAC2022
Název nakladatele:
Czech Institute of Academic Education
Místo vydání:
Stát vydání:
Sborník vydaný v ČR
Název konference:
VIAC2022 - Virtual International Academic Conference
Místo konání konference:
Datum zahájení konference:
Typ akce podle státní
příslušnosti účastníků akce:
Evropská akce
Kód UT WoS:
Klíčová slova anglicky:
Learning habits, procedures, digital resources, printed resources, learning
Popis v původním jazyce:
The research study focuses on the issue of procedures of university students in preparation for schooling. The aim of the work is to map what procedures university students use in preparation for schooling in an effort to clarify aspects, to influence the overall attitude. One of the main parts of the work is the theoretical basis, which clarifies the main determinants and other issues of research studies. The research survey is mediated through qualitative research with elements of quantitative design. The methodological research became an analysis of interviews from 13 students across tertiary education. Based on this survey, the results are interpreted, which are then categorized into four groups. The single strategy provides sources of information, requires related procedures in preparation for schooling. The analysis of the survey showed a whole series of represented procedures, which do not have an identical dependence on the studied field. Students from fields more focused on the theoretical level according to research using a combination of procedures. In this context, the use of procedures in preparation for schooling has a significant degree of motivation and other aspects affect psychic attributes.
Popis v anglickém jazyce:
The research study focuses on the issue of procedures of university students in preparation for schooling. The aim of the work isto map what procedures university students use in preparation for schooling in an effort to clarify aspects, to influence the overallattitude. One of the main parts of the work is the theoretical basis, which clarifies the main determinants and other issues of researchstudies. The research survey is mediated through qualitative research with elements of quantitative design. The methodologicalresearch became an analysis of interviews from 13 students across tertiary education. Based on this survey, the results areinterpreted, which are then categorized into four groups. The single strategy provides sources of information, requires relatedprocedures in preparation for schooling. The analysis of the survey showed a whole series of represented procedures, which do nothave an identical dependence on the studied field. Students from fields more focused on the theoretical level according to researchusing a combination of procedures. In this context, the use of procedures in preparation for schooling has a significant degree ofmotivation and other aspects affect psychic attributes
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