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Domácí pracoviště:
Katedra sociální pedagogiky (45190)
Traditional and Cyber Bullying Behaviors Among Czech and Estonian Vocational Learners
K?iv, K. a Štenclová, V. Traditional and Cyber Bullying Behaviors Among Czech and Estonian Vocational Learners.
ICEEPSY 2024: 15th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology: Emanate - Educational Sessions Highlights (EESH) 2024-11-04 Madrid.
Yeni ?skele: Emanate Publishing House Ltd., 2024. ISBN 978-625-98059-3-1.
Rok vydání:
Počet stran:
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Forma vydání:
Elektronická verze
Název sborníku:
Emanate - Educational Sessions Highlights (EESH)
Název nakladatele:
Emanate Publishing House Ltd.
Místo vydání:
Yeni İskele
Stát vydání:
Sborník vydaný v zahraničí
Název konference:
ICEEPSY 2024: 15th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology
Místo konání konference:
Datum zahájení konference:
Typ akce podle státní
příslušnosti účastníků akce:
Evropská akce
Kód UT WoS:
Klíčová slova anglicky:
Bullying, victimization, adolescent, Czech vocational learners, Estonian vocational learners
Popis v původním jazyce:
The cross-sectional study aims to investigate the nature and prevalence of traditional (physical, verbal, social) bullying and cyberbullying (visual, text) among vocational school learners in the Czech Republic and Estonia. The Adapted Czech and Estonian versions of the Revised Adolescent Peer Relations Instrument – Bully and Target was used to measure three forms of traditional bully and target behaviors (physical, verbal, and social) and two forms of cyber bully and target behaviors (visual and text) among 1086 Czech and 849 Estonian vocational school learners. Current research suggests that even if differences were found in the ranking order of traditional and cyberbullying behavior forms among vocational school students in two countries, verbal bullying and victimization was a most prevalent problem in both. Descriptive analysis and t-tests revealed that Czech vocational school students were significantly more victimized and bullied physically, verbally, socially and with cyber text victimization than their Estonian counterparts, without a significant difference in the rate of cyber visual perpetration. However, Estonian male and Czech female vocational school students had significantly higher rates in the cyber visual perpetration subscales than their counterparts.
Popis v anglickém jazyce:
The cross-sectional study aims to investigate the nature and prevalence of traditional (physical, verbal, social) bullying and cyberbullying (visual, text) among vocational school learners in the Czech Republic and Estonia. The Adapted Czech and Estonian versions of the Revised Adolescent Peer Relations Instrument – Bully and Target was used to measure three forms of traditional bully and target behaviors (physical, verbal, and social) and two forms of cyber bully and target behaviors (visual and text) among 1086 Czech and 849 Estonian vocational school learners. Current research suggests that even if differences were found in the ranking order of traditional and cyberbullying behavior forms among vocational school students in two countries, verbal bullying and victimization was a most prevalent problem in both. Descriptive analysis and t-tests revealed that Czech vocational school students were significantly more victimized and bullied physically, verbally, socially and with cyber text victimization than their Estonian counterparts, without a significant difference in the rate of cyber visual perpetration. However, Estonian male and Czech female vocational school students had significantly higher rates in the cyber visual perpetration subscales than their counterparts.
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