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Domácí pracoviště:
Katedra pedagogiky a andragogiky (45120)
Digital and reading competency of secondary school pupils and their comprehension of everyday and educational texts
Vicherková, D., Kolář, M. a Malach, J. Digital and reading competency of secondary school pupils and their comprehension of everyday and educational texts.
15th International Scientific Conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics: DiVAI 2024 2024-09-30 Štúrovo.
Springer Cham, 2024. ISBN 978-3-031-81261-3.
Rok vydání:
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Forma vydání:
Elektronická verze
Název sborníku:
15th International Scientific Conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics: DiVAI 2024
Název nakladatele:
Springer Cham
Místo vydání:
Stát vydání:
Sborník vydaný v zahraničí
Název konference:
Místo konání konference:
Datum zahájení konference:
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Celosvětová akce
Kód UT WoS:
Klíčová slova anglicky:
content and form of the text, digital and reading competency of the secondary school pupil, reading comprehension
Popis v původním jazyce:
Understanding information in printed, electronic, and hybrid texts is crucial for everyday application in the labour market in the 21st-century evolving society. The ongoing development of digital technologies underscores the need to incorporate modern technological elements and technologies into teaching gradually. This aims to foster information thinking and digital competency among pupils and teachers, enabling them to work with various types of information in digital and traditional educational and everyday settings. The current curriculum reform in the Czech Republic emphasises the importance of enhancing functional literacy and digital competencies of teachers and pupils across all levels of education. In 2024, a survey was conducted at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava, involving 594 pupils from secondary vocational schools in three regions of the Czech Republic. The research sought to understand the impact of different types of texts on secondary school pupils' reading comprehension, reading, and digital literacy. The research findings revealed that 70% of respondents read simple texts most frequently daily, and 60% cited the immediate availability of information as their motivation for reading electronic texts. Additionally, 55% of respondents viewed the use of modern technologies for reading as a standard routine, though not an everyday necessity. Interestingly, only 63% of respondents considered themselves literate, while 70% considered themselves digitally literate. Furthermore, the research indicated a correlation between a secondary school pupil's perception of their reading literacy level and the time spent reading electronic and printed texts daily. The PISA research 2022 highlighted that the reading proficiency of the current Czech generation of fifteen-year-old pupils is stagnating, emphasising the need for systematic digital and reading competencies education.
Popis v anglickém jazyce:
Understanding information in printed, electronic, and hybrid texts is crucial for everyday application in the labour market in the 21st-century evolving society. The ongoing development of digital technologies underscores the need to incorporate modern technological elements and technologies into teaching gradually. This aims to foster information thinking and digital competency among pupils and teachers, enabling them to work with various types of information in digital and traditional educational and everyday settings. The current curriculum reform in the Czech Republic emphasises the importance of enhancing functional literacy and digital competencies of teachers and pupils across all levels of education. In 2024, a survey was conducted at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava, involving 594 pupils from secondary vocational schools in three regions of the Czech Republic. The research sought to understand the impact of different types of texts on secondary school pupils' reading comprehension, reading, and digital literacy. The research findings revealed that 70% of respondents read simple texts most frequently daily, and 60% cited the immediate availability of information as their motivation for reading electronic texts. Additionally, 55% of respondents viewed the use of modern technologies for reading as a standard routine, though not an everyday necessity. Interestingly, only 63% of respondents considered themselves literate, while 70% considered themselves digitally literate. Furthermore, the research indicated a correlation between a secondary school pupil's perception of their reading literacy level and the time spent reading electronic and printed texts daily. The PISA research 2022 highlighted that the reading proficiency of the current Czech generation of fifteen-year-old pupils is stagnating, emphasising the need for systematic digital and reading competencies education.
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